Sunday, January 18, 2004

Bush's Immigration Plan

Conservatives should take a look at Bush's immigration plan and compare it to the status quo rather than utopia. Utopia would be a world in which the border patrol were larger in force than the United States military and even more competent. Utopia would also give us a Mexico that is as economically dynamic as South Korea. But, since we live in the real world some conservatives have decieded to support Bush's immigration plan. Having millions of immigrants illegally in your country without any documentation is a security problem. Offering these people a chance to tell the authorities who they are without risking deportation (as long as they aren't connected to a terrorist group) might help homeland security. And Bush's plan doesn't do what previous immigration plan's did: put the lawbrakers (the immigrants who came here illegally) at the front of the line to become citizens. Instead it allows them to work in the United States while not being a citizen. Conservatives must realize that Mexico's economy will improve very slowly and that further increases in the border patrol (on top of the fairly dramatic increases during the 1990s) aren't likely to stop the flow of illegal immigration. While trade with Mexico during the 1990s might have influenced Mexico to open up its electoral system to more than one political party, it hasn't yet dramatically improved its economic performance. Never mind why. That's that fact right now. Which means Mexicans will seek a better life in the United States. Why not give these Mexicans a chance to pursue their dreams legally?